Friday, September 20, 2013

Top 10 Weight loos

Top 10 Weight loos Pills

#1Our Top Rated Diet Pill

Green Coffee Bean Extract 50% Chlorogenic Acid - There's been a lot of buzz about this ingredient since Dr. Oz featured it on his show. The active ingredient in Green Coffee Extract is chlorogenic acid. It boosts metabolism while inhibiting the release of glucose. Its effectiveness was recently confirmed in a human trial.
Subjects supplementing green coffee extract lost 10.5% of their bodyweight in just 22 weeks.
You can't get these benefits of green coffee from a brewed cup of coffee. Roasting the beans removes the chlorogenic acid. 

Irvingia Gabonensis (7% albumins) - This proven weight loss ingredient is a rare extract that works by decreasing your appetite and increasing your body's ability to burn fat. Several clinical trials have concluded that Irvingia Gabonensis significantly decreases body fat. In one study, the average subject lost 28.1 pounds!

Green Select Phytosome (Green Tea Extract) - This ultra-potent form of Green Tea targets stubborn fat cells throughout your body. In one clinical trial, 50 subjects lost an average of 30.52 pounds by taking Green Select Phytosome alone.

Co-Enzyme Q-10
Co-EnZyme Q-10 - Co-EnZyme Q-10 plays an important role in metabolism. As you age, levels of Co-EnZyme Q-10 decrease. By replenishing your body with Co-EnZyme Q-10, you can increase your metabolic rate and increase your overall calorie burn.

Lipofuze contains a potent extract containing 50% chlorogenic acid.Caffeine Anhydrous is known for boosting energy, alertness and focus. Many can't start a day without it. What you may not know is that caffeine helps increase energy expenditure (calorie and fat burning). As a matter of fact, in one clinical trial at the University of Denmark, subjects supplementing caffeine increased energy expenditure by 6%. While it's not nearly as impressive as the other ingredients in Lipofuze, it will help you reach your weight loss goals faster.

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